
Retirement - There's more to think about than money

When you think of retirement, what comes to mind? Is it those extra rounds of golf, spending a few months each year basking in the sun, and relishing quality time with your grandkids? Or do you find yourself worrying about your pension funding, fearing it might not be sufficient to cover all your dreams and aspirations?


How to improve your financial mindset

The most famous of all investors, Warren Buffett once said, “People seeking riches never have enough. Wealth is a state of mind. Wealthy people always have enough.” To him, riches are a monetary amount and never satisfy you. On the other hand, wealth is a journey and a set of actions that lead to a more fulfilled life.


The power of a regular review

You might be wondering if you need to bother reviewing your financial plan every year. After all, if we've already done the hard work of setting it up, why tinker with it? Here’s the simple truth: the world changes, life changes, and so must your financial plan. Skipping your annual financial review is a bit like ignoring an engine light on your car’s dashboard—it might not seem urgent until it's too late. Let's consider why these reviews are crucial and how they can keep you on track to achieving your financial goals. 


Claims - the whole purpose of insurance

Sometimes when it comes to life assurance and cover for living benefits within specified illness and income protection policies, you can get a little lost in the marketing messages of the different features and benefits that are available in the market. While these are of course important in helping you (with our guidance) choose your preferred policy, it’s really important to never lose sight of the real reason for taking out insurance, and that comes back to one single key aspect – that the insurer will pay out to you or your loved ones in your time of need.


Separation - reduce the financial turmoil

Ending a marriage is usually a really tough time. There are big decisions to make about who gets to take care of the kids, how often each parent gets to see them, and where everyone's going to live. Often, things get pretty tense between the ex-partners.


The Upsides of Building Wealth Slowly

Maybe it’s a stage in life that you get to, when eventually you recognise that building wealth for most people is a pursuit that happens over many years, indeed decades. And most importantly, that it’s perfectly acceptable to build wealth slowly.


The value of professional financial planning

OK, we don’t want to blow our own trumpets, but we got access to some research recently that was simply too good not to share the key findings with you. The research titled “The value of financial planning” was carried out by the Financial Planning Standard Board, in which they surveyed over 15,000 consumers in 15 countries, including Ireland. The full report can be found here.


Estate Planning – thinking of others…

As our clients progress through their financial lives, we see a consistent trend. Thoughts tend to move from thinking about the “here and now” to a much greater focus on the future. While the age at which this happens varies from client to client, retirement coming on to the horizon is an obvious driver for this mind shift. Alongside this, or maybe lagging by a few years are thoughts and conversations about passing wealth efficiently to loved ones. Of course, this opens up the whole discussion about estate planning.


4 areas to plan for retirement

The word retirement conjures up different thoughts for each of us. Some think of growing old, others think of enjoying life in the sun. Some people think of the need to save money in pensions, others think of finally having that freedom from work and enjoying their financial freedom. Each view is valid, some just a bit more positive than others.


How to cut your upcoming tax bill

So here we are again, digging around for eligible receipts to reduce our upcoming tax bill. Sometimes in the rush to complete the tax return on time, valuable tax-saving opportunities are missed. So here are a few ways for you to reduce your upcoming bill.


So you want to invest in line with your values?

ESG Investing is here to stay. This is being driven firstly by a raft of new regulations and legislation coming from the EU around responsible investing, ensuring that investment managers consider carefully the ESG credentials of the assets in which they invest.


Make your future goals in life a reality

“It’s not just about the money” is a phrase I find myself using in nearly every client meeting these days. This stems from the evolution of the role of financial advisers and planners in recent years – a shift from focusing solely on a client’s money and investment returns achieved to a focus on the client as a person and what you want to achieve in your life. Our role today is to help you achieve your desired future life through careful and wise decision making in relation to all aspects of your finances.


Risks are a key feature of investing

When we’re designing an investment portfolio for our clients, we take into account quite a number of considerations. We start by understanding your investment goals and time horizons, and then we build a full understanding of your liquidity requirements, any asset class preferences that you might have and also the returns that you expect.


What can we learn from the past decade?

Do you remember 2013? It sounds quite recent, but then when you think about the major events that happened that year, they seem so long ago. That was the year that Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95, two homemade bombs ripped through the crowd of fans and runners at the Boston Marathon finish line, killing three and wounding nearly 300 others and Typhoon Haiyan killed over 6,000 people in the Philippines and south east Asia. It was also the year the word "selfie" became mainstream!


5 valuable financial tips to give to your children

Money management is a crucial skill that every child should learn at an early age. Learning how to manage finances is not just about budgeting and saving, but it’s also about building a healthy relationship with money. As parents, it’s our responsibility to teach our children about money and help them make wise financial decisions in the future. We’re going to set out five valuable lessons that you can give to your children about money.


Want to give €500,000 to your family tax free? Here's how...

Picture the scene – I hope it applies to you today or in the not-too-distant future… You’ve got to that point in your financial life where life is getting easier. Maybe the mortgage is paid off or almost there, and you are finally seeing your savings grow incrementally each year, even though you are doing most of the things that you want to do. You are finally seeing that after a nice holiday or two, socialising as you like and changing the car every couple of years, there is still some money left over.


Time to tighten the belt?

The cost-of-living crisis is starting to bite for lots of people. In the UK we’re seeing widespread strikes, and while thankfully this hasn’t been the case in Ireland, the current high inflation rate is starting to hit people hard in their wallets. Almost 80% of the population are worried about their finances due to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, a recent survey commissioned by Aldi has shown. Essentials like food, electricity, gas and oil all saw prices skyrocket in 2022, leaving many Irish families struggling to cope with the hikes.


Financial planning in your 70's

In this final instalment of our age-related articles, it is now the turn of the more senior members of our communities – all of you in your 70’s and older. This group have some very specific financial challenges, so here are some thoughts on wisely managing your financial affairs.


Stay financially fit in 2023

As 2023 gets into full swing, we’re all receiving a constant stream of forecasts and predictions for the year ahead. We’re not going to add to them. At the end of the day, we don’t add any value by making bold guesses about the future, because our crystal ball is no clearer than anyone else’s.


How much is enough?

A conversation that often arises with clients is around how much is enough. Everyone is different and has unique wants and needs in life, most of which come with a financial price tag. If someone could wave a magic wand and guarantee each of your wants and needs in life, would that be enough for you?



Financial planning in your 60's

This month it’s time for the latest in our series of age related articles – welcome to the world of the sixty-somethings! As you (potentially) approach the end of your working life, you are at a really important stage in your financial life. We hope to give you some food for thought to ensure you make the wisest financial decisions to see you through the next phase of your life.



Why everyone needs income protection

Let's face it, Income Protection is somewhat of a grudge purchase. While it still enjoys the benefit of tax relief at your marginal (highest) rate, it’s another household expense that none of us enjoy paying. After all, you’re paying for a benefit that you hope you never collect... 



Financial planning in your 50's

This is the latest in our series of articles that consider the financial challenges for clients at a specific stage in life. This time we’re looking at people who are in their 50’s. This is a really important stage in your financial life as it is often the time in life of maximum income and the greatest opportunity to really build your wealth.


Financial planning in your 40's

In our last newsletter, we wrote about what's important financially for people in their 30s. We got quite a few comments about this piece and some requests to set out the financial priorities for people in their 40s. So here goes...


Keep control of your lifestyle

For a lot of people as they enter their forties, the financial pressure starts to ease a bit. As a result of career progression and increased earnings, the bills (in particular the mortgage repayments) don’t look quite so daunting any more. And this is when people’s lifestyles can run out of control. Rather than putting their increased wealth to good use, they simply grow their lifestyle until this becomes the new “norm”. And as a result, that hard earned extra income ends up delivering zero impact to your long-term financial health. Put that extra wealth to good use. 


Stay vigilant with debt

Debt costs have been very low in recent years, with base interest rates around the 0% mark. However this situation is changing - we saw last week the first rate increase by the ECB in more than a decade. One of the challenges caused by low interest rates is that people can become a little complacent about debt, thinking it will always be cheap. Be very prudent about taking on new debt, and stress-test your finances carefully against the impact of rising interest rates. Do you really need to take on debt for home improvements, or for a fancy new car? Does it make more sense to save first and spend later?


Think carefully about home improvements

We’ve seen a number of examples of people with the back broken on their mortgage, and then deciding that it’s time to almost re-build the house. The rationale is usually around higher income levels making this possible, and also because the kids need more space – don’t they? This may well make sense, just be clear that the it’s hard to recoup money spent on your house as it usually isn’t fully reflected in future valuations. Also think past the next 5-10 years – will you want a bigger house when the kids decide it’s time to move on? Yes, make your house more comfortable and enjoyable to live in, but don't spend money unnecessarily on it. Oh, and best of luck trying to get a builder at the moment!


How's your emergency fund?

Maybe you were very forward-thinking years ago, listened to the advice and built a nice “rainy day” fund. Now’s the time to take a good, hard look at it. A fund built up a few years ago may be quite inadequate today. Do you need to add to this to cover your current level of expenses?


These are the golden years for building a nice lifestyle in retirement

These are often the critical years for retirement savings. You now have the financial firepower to really accelerate your retirement funding, and you also still have the time on your side to benefit from the magic of future compound interest. So make these years the high impact years in your retirement savings. Look to avail as much as possible of the generous tax reliefs on offer for pension contributions. 


How are your parents' finances?

One big challenge facing families today is the multi-generational impact on financial plans, it’s not enough to plan solely for your own future. Quite often, we see parents playing an important role in helping their children with significant deposits to enable them to get on the home ownership ladder or to remain in full-time education for longer than might have been expected. And as we see older people living longer and having more complex and expensive care needs later in life, the burden of financing this support can sometimes fall on the family. Does your financial plan take account of these costs?


It might be time to consider starting to transfer your wealth

Depending on your specific financial situation, now might well be the time to really start looking at the future transfer of your wealth. If you have significant assets to pass on eventually and as we've outlined in our other article this month, these can be seriously eroded by our penal inheritance tax environment. Planning for this a long time in advance will allow us to develop financial strategies that will enable you to significantly reduce this tax burden, ensuring your assets go mainly to your loved ones and not to the taxman. 


Your 40s are hopefully great years... Manage them wisely and you can establish a really strong financial foundation for the rest of your life.  


What's important financially, when in your 30's

This is the first in a series of articles that will be aimed at people at different stages of life. Today we're starting with those in their younger more carefree years, but probably with an eye on financial planning - the 30 somethings! For this group there are lots of competing priorities – a house to be bought, maybe a wedding to be celebrated or a family to be started. And these also don’t take into account the holidays, cars and social life that are there to be enjoyed too... So here are our thoughts on some of the important financial challenges facing this group.



Claims sit at the heart of what we do

We await with interest each year the claims statistics from the leading protection providers in the Irish market. Irish Life annually issue very insightful and detailed information about their claims (as do other providers), and we’ve taken the opportunity to dig a little into the claims data from their Retail division for 2021. 



Life Events we can help you plan for

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