
Tell me more about Ethical Investing

Ethical investing refers to the practice of using one's ethical principles as the primary filter for the selection of investment assets. Today it is seen as one element of the broader investing approach of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI). With the increased attention given to climate change, achieving a just society and the desire for good health, particularly in the current Covid era, there has been a surge in interest in SRI. Investors want to understand the impact of their money, and they want it to enhance the world we live in as opposed to simply achieving monetary growth at any cost.


When did you last stress test your finances?

2020 has been a year of great uncertainty. Of course Covid-19 has dominated the landscape, bringing with it insecurity for some people around both their health and also their economic circumstances. As countries are moving in and out of various states of lockdown, for many people this is creating a lot of worry about their jobs. For some this is temporary and they can see a relatively swift return to normality. For others their prospects are more bleak, as they are forced to close their business or they see their employers reducing headcount or shutting down altogether.


What to do if your retirement funding is falling short

Look, it happens regularly… people realise that with their current retirement planning approach, they are going to fall short of achieving the lifestyle they want in retirement. This happens for a whole lot of reasons – not having a plan, starting to save too late, not saving enough or the wrong investment strategy.


It's time to review your spending after Lockdown

A huge amount of the time we spend with our clients is spent building an understanding of your goals in life and developing a financial plan to help you achieve your objectives. A lot of attention goes into your retirement strategy, your investment approach and other such important areas.



The purpose of insurance is to pay claims when needed

As we emerge from lockdown and the world is getting back to some sort of normality, unfortunately for some people the pandemic has had quite a significant impact on their income. We’ve had a small number of queries from clients in this situation who are looking to reduce their expenditure. Some are pausing savings plans and other regular investment products. One or two people have queried whether they should cut back on their levels of life assurance and specified illness cover. 


Is it time to rethink the importance of money?

As economies around the world start to cautiously emerge from their various states of lockdown, people are also stepping back into the light albeit gingerly and carefully. Some shops and services are open for business again, others have a while to wait still. Some activities that involve mass gatherings such as sports events and concerts face a quite uncertain future for some time to come. 


Covid and your money have a lot in common

A recent phone conversation with a client triggered this article, as we were discussing the volatility in markets over the last few months. This was a relatively easy conversation, as this particular client has a very measured view to managing her pension fund and her investments. She doesn’t make rash decisions, she maintains a long-term perspective and doesn’t fret over every movement in the markets.


Get your life cover in place when you don't need it

Experience in the life assurance industry shows that most life assurance policies are taken out by people in their 30’s, 40’s and to a lesser extent in their 50’s. There is a very low uptake of life assurance by people in their 20’s who simply think they don't need it.

We believe that it’s time to look again at this line of logic, and we ask you to consider why we believe it makes sense to get cover in place sooner rather than later. 



Marriage separation - getting your financial ducks lined up

A marriage breakup is usually a traumatic time. Very significant life decisions are needed about custody of children and access arrangements, and where each party will live. Often relations between the parties become quite fraught… and then financial arrangements need to be agreed.


Keep your head when all around you are losing theirs

Lots of factors are currently creating a great deal of uncertainty for investors; markets have been a bit jittery after such a strong performance in 2019, USA and Iran are causing a lot of tension in the Middle East and Brexit is finally happening. The picture is quite daunting for investors today.

So what do you do?

Well the answer is probably, not very much! Let us explain…


What does ageing in Ireland look like today?

We’ve written before about the importance of a very planned approach to retirement. Having a healthy pension fund is what springs to mind for all of us in this regard – of course this is very important, as having access to financial resources will help you to ensure that you can enjoy your retirement and live it on your own terms.


What's your financial plan for the next decade?

How has this happened? Surely we can’t already be facing into a new decade! Many of us remember fondly the big party we were at on New Year’s Eve as we entered the new century – and all the worries about the Y2K bug that was going to bring the end to many IT systems across the globe. We’re coming up to the 20th anniversary of that now…


8 important principles to teach your kids about money

In today’s era of consumerism on a grand scale, it can be hard to maintain a clear and constant perspective about the value of money. Many of us muddle along, surviving, making mistakes and getting by. However this is no example to give to the next generation who are likely to pick up on our behaviours and habits. Instead we need to carefully teach our children about how to act responsibly with money and to give them the best chance of building positive financial habits for life.


How tidy are your retirement affairs?

As part of our work with clients, one really important element of an overall financial plan is retirement planning. Of course, it happens quite often that clients are some way along this journey before we come into contact with them.


We'll help you plan for life's events

We came across a quote recently that has really got us thinking, as it hit home on one of the most important aspects of financial planning. The quote is, “Money always moves when life is in transition”.


What our investment research is telling us

We carry out a lot of research throughout the year, whether it’s attending conferences and seminars, meeting investment managers and product providers and also carrying out desk-based research. Inevitably from time to time, our reading pile gets a little higher! However this is now a great time of year to make real inroads into that reading.


Investing is about more than money

Traditionally the role of a financial adviser has been to help you grow your financial resources. This has evolved significantly in more recent times into a much broader role, as financial planners have developed the skills and the tools to provide a lot more value than this. Sitting at the heart of what we do now is helping you to identify the life that you want to live, and then through careful financial planning, guiding you on your financial journey to ensure you achieve your goals and dreams.


Claims are what count

As part of our financial planning conversations with you, we always bring the attention around to subjects that are not easy to think about – a serious illness or death visiting a family member or indeed yourself. We all naturally don’t want to spend too long thinking about this, but unfortunately for us to do our job properly it’s a subject that we simply must contemplate.


Lessons from a Mexican Fisherman

We’d like to share a story with you that originated back in 1963 when published by the German writer, Heinrich Böll. It’s a very short story, but perfectly captures one of the key messages that we stress with our clients.


What factors impact your investment returns?

Well there is no exhaustive list for this one – there really are so many potential factors that can influence your investment returns. When you ask a professional investor, they will often jump to factors such as the economy, sentiment and interest rates. All very relevant factors.


Be on your best (financial) behaviour in 2019

2018 ended with a bit of a sting in the tail for investors, where we saw a lot of volatility in markets and a modest correction. While many analysts are forecasting single digit growth in 2019, they are also suggesting that 2019 may be another bumpy ride for investors with more volatility in markets. We fully recognise that volatility can cause uncertainty and lack of confidence for investors, but it's our job to help you to avoid making mistakes now that will hurt your long term financial future. 

Here are a few habits and behaviours that we believe will stand you in good stead throughout 2019, and will prevent you from making short term mistakes that will negatively impact you in the future.  


5 reasons it's time to review your pension

At the start of a new year and as outlined in our other article this month, we all tend to take stock of how we manage our finances. We look at our financial habits, ways of saving money and managing our spending better. This is also a great time of year to take a hard look at our retirement planning, to ensure it is in the best shape possible.

Here goes on five reasons why we think it’s a good time now to do so.



What does your future life look like?

We hope that you have experienced the quiet evolution of our role in recent years. Going back in time, the role of the financial adviser was to help clients to identify gaps that they had in their portfolio of financial products, to find the best products to fill those gaps and to then put these products in place for clients. While this is still an important strand of what we do, our role has evolved in recent years into a much broader and more valuable service.


Is it time to save regularly for your retirement?

Paying tax bills can be a challenging time for both business owners and sole traders alike. Of course if your business is very successful, tax is simply an expense that needs to be met when your tax payment deadline rolls around. However, there are also many small enterprises that don’t enjoy the comfort of high levels of excess cashflow. For these businesses, the tax payment deadline can be a stressful time, gathering all expenses together and working with your accountant to identify ways in which you can legitimately reduce your tax liability.

Pension contributions are rightly viewed as one of the most effective ways of reducing your tax liability. The challenge is often having the spare cashflow to make that pension contribution while also being able to meet your tax payment! And as a result, the pension contribution often gets reduced or indeed removed in order to meet the tax liability. The unintended consequence of this is that your retirement plans and future lifestyle are now at risk.

So what’s the alternative?

The approach that many sole traders and business owners take to overcome this problem is to make pension contributions regularly (usually monthly) throughout the year, rather than leaving the pension contribution until the last minute. This approach has a number of advantages.


You’re putting yourself at the top of the queue

Leaving your pension contribution until the end of the year results in this payment being based effectively on money available, rather than your retirement plans. The outcome is often a reduced pension contribution and when this happens, the loser is your future self. Your retirement plan is being paid after everybody else, putting you right at the back of your cashflow queue.

The alternative is to work with us on identifying a sustainable regular amount. By then making this contribution regularly each month, you have accelerated yourself to the top of the queue, putting your future self before other expenses. After a while, this simply becomes another regular expense of the business (like your rent, salaries, power and other monthly payments) but now you are truly working for yourself and not just to pay other people’s bills.


Retirement Planning is about more than money

When you think of retirement, what do you think about? Is it those additional games of golf, spending a few months every year in the sun and lots of time with the grandkids? Or instead do you think about your pension fund and silently worry that you might not have enough money to do all the things that you want to do?


Is Income Protection really necessary?

Income Protection is sometimes described as the glue in a financial portfolio. The most devastating impact on your financial situation is likely to be caused by a loss of your income, and the inability to replace it.


Life Events we can help you plan for

Find out how well your finances match your lifestyle needs